Different types of SEO services

As per statistics, 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine, and 47% of people are noted to click on one among the first three listings. That is why it is legit to hire an SEO agency to any business to be under the spotlight with the right purpose and right methods.

To begin with, let us introduce you to the fact that there are several types of SEO services available, and depending on individual requirements and necessity of a particular business, these options can help one’s website rank better.

Let’s learn about the types of SEO:

  1. Technical SEO: Includes a thorough analysis of website’s technical factors that affect its rankings positively.
    1. Code Efficiency
    2. SSL/HTTPS
    3. Mobile Response
    4. Website Speed
  2. On-Page SEO: All about the optimization of visible page elements that effect rankings
    1. Page Title and Meta Description
    2. Headings or Headers
    3. On Page Content
  3. Off-Page SEO: It includes implementation of optimized elements that are not directly related to the page itself.
    1. Social Media
    2. Backlinks
  4. Organic SEO: It is aimed to improve rankings for the main “organic” area within search engines. It is important to businesses with a national and international focus.
  5. Local SEO: In helps in improving rankings for the local area within search engines. This is specifically important to businesses that mainly rely on local or regional customers.
  6. Voice SEO: This is done to improve rankings exclusively for voice search. Voice search optimization is the newest form of search engine optimization which is, as per statistics, projected to be greater than 50% of all searches by 2020. And the trend is here to thrive and expand.
  7. Reputation Management: Among the important search optimization services is Reputation Management over online. The majority of online users do rely on online reviews as helpful while making a purchasing decision. Product or service reviews from real buyers are useful to potential customers researching products.
  8. Search Engine Marketing: It is the Search Engine Marketing service that helps in improving the overall online visibility of an organization’s website. There is a strong correlation between the number of impressions of a company receives and acquiring new businesses. It is the right strategies of Search Engine Marketing that helps to increase brand awareness, website traffic and conversion rate.

There are over hundreds of factors that go into what helps to make a page rank high on the search results page. However, among the ones that matter the most and the ones white-hat SEO revolves around include:

  • Website is secure or not (HTTPS vs. HTTP)
  • Is the website mobile-friendly?
  • Loading speed of web pages on your site
  • If your web page has the correct schema markup
  • Web pages’ content and its quality
  • How lengthy (or short) are the web pages’ content
  • Use of social signals pointing back to your website
  • Backlinks that point back to your website
  • Use of optimized images on your web pages
  • Users’ search intent

Looking for SEO help for your business? It is time you get connected with Top It Marketing if you are on a hunt for SEO company Los Angeles. This decade old agency is experienced and skilled in several industries and has been dealing with internet marketing equation to personally develop and manage every client’s accounts.

Get in touch with them on https://www.topitmarketing.com/ or call them up at (323) 250-3726 to talk to their representatives to take it on further.

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