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Dispensary Marketing Tricks You Wish You Knew Earlier

While the Cannabis is getting legal in many countries mostly for medicinal purposes, it is a great time to start up your business on the same. The US government still treats Cannabis as schedule 1 drug as of January 2020 even in the legal market space. There are many federal regulations that need to be followed while marketing, advertising and selling of these herbs. And, while the rules are tight, it might make you feel that you are rolling with one hand.

This is when you need to get creative with dispensary marketing.

dispensary marketing

The mass media channels such as the National television, radio and print are facing a huge competition from the E-Commerce and social media platform. And the restrictions of marketing on the traditional channels are very difficult than the ones through the social media.

Here are some strategies which you try with dispensary marketing –

Create a dynamic website. You need to target the right Cannabis keywords that should be on your home page, on the product page as well as on the blogs so that your monthly search volume can go really high. The best way to do this is to follow dispensary SEO. When you maintain an active blog page, you will be rewarded on the search engine page because Google crawls every indexed page that has relevant content. A study showed that consumers spend almost double the time online on their mobile that they do through desktop.

Optimizing your website for mobiles is vital. Do not be on the sleep mode for responsive web designing because that is where you will get most active audience.

The navigation is yet another important point which should not be vague or generic. You need to stick to a couple of page navigation system so that it does not overwhelm your website visitors. Also, the labels on the home page must be very specific.

Link the website to social media because the relationship with web visitors often start at the edge of social accounts. You need to have engaging and relevant information both on the website as well as on the social media channel.

One of the huge responsibilities is have all the leads captured. The best dispensary websites offer plenty of opportunities for visitors to drop in their contact information such as through newspaper signing up, during checkout or other content offers

Loyalty program is one of the most trending options to foster long term relationships with your customers. There are a number of ways to do so such as giving your customers with points in each of their purchase which can, after some purchase give them a free product, create some discount card and give incentive on every purchase, offer membership that help them feel special on their special days like birthdays and also can get updated and special promotions.

Starting referral campaigns is a brilliant idea of dispensary marketing. If you are not able to directly promote the dispensary products but you know the channels which can lead you to the customers, using that word of mouth is one of the strongest dispensary marketing options that will actually be the best brand advocate your company.

If you are looking for a trusted name who can help you organise all these online strategies, you need to get in touch with the skilled team members of top IT marketing. Visit them at for more details.

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